[FREE] AutoSizeComments

A small plugin that adds resizing comment boxes

  • Settings for the plugin are under Edit > Editor Preferences > Plugins > Auto Size Comments
  • Hold alt to easily add / remove nodes from comment boxes

This plugin was originally a feature from the Blueprint Assist Plugin, a plugin that provides automatic formatting and mouse-free node editing when working with blueprints.


Feature overview

Replace / Add / Remove / Empty controls on the bottom left

Hold shift and drag corners of comment boxes to resize and snap​​​​​​

Hold and release alt to move nodes in / out

Support for comment color presets

Add color presets in EditorPreferences | AutoSizeComments and then recompile your blueprint to see the buttons.


My OCD thanks you kindly! :slight_smile:


It’s just amazing! Thanks a lot, mate!

It’s look amazing :slight_smile:

How to install it in engine? The auto-compiler chucked me out, and Visual Studio C++ manual recompile completed but running the project re-opened the auto-compiler which chucked me out.

Coming from a VVVV Background I would like to see this Plugin in the Vanila Version of Unreal. This is really handy!

Nice work!

Hi tomofnz, which version of UE4 did you build it with? I realised the plugin was only compatible with >4.20. I’ve made some adjustments and it now works with 4.19, older versions are still untested though.

Looks incredible! I hope Epic decides to merge some version of this into the main branch.

Absolutely awesome! Thank you for this plugin. Cannot wait for your blueprint assist plugin, im curious how it will work with the irritating odd nodes that do not line up with execution wires.

This will save so much time, amazing! Just saw the Blueprint Assist Plugin as well. Looking forward to that!

Great job!

4.19 giving that failure! Awesome work i wish to use on 4.19

Thanks for the info! Hopefully it works for you now.

Love it! Thanks man!

It would be super awesome to still have drag and drop between boxes with a modifier key.
Like holding down shift while dragging a node removes it from it’s current comment and dropping it on another comment adds it to that one.

nice feature.
You should send a Request to merge this in the main branch. I bet it will helps a lot of people. Nice job!

Such a simple yet useful plugin - love it! Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

That’s great, thanks a lot dude !

I think this is a great idea! Basically the best of both worlds, the original functionality and your plugin!

any updates?
On 4.20.3 I have a problem. if I save project, and all blueprints, then close and reopen project - some nodes will be outside of coments they were part of previously.