Yeah, I have the same problem, and it has been there for a while. But I’m glad you’re taking your time to do this, so thanks!
That is some serious grass.
Well done
Interested in performance impact as well.
Really looking forward to the cleaned up version! Looks amazing.
That looks really nice. I’ve gone to great lengths to ensure our grass looks real with minimal performance impact. Really interested in how this performs.
I’ve been thinking of redoing mine for a while and implementing a way of not only bending when players walk though it but also store it so it keeps down wherever any player have walked. Do you have anything like that implemented? I’m worried the way we have been thinking of doing it would kill server performance.
Video looks great. Will test this out soon. Thanks a lot dude.
Thanks, I tried to make it as cinematic as I could. I think it was aboooout, I wanna say around 7 hours worth of work.
Oh no, that’s not good…can anybody else verify this? Have you tried redownloading it yet? Are you using WinRar to unpack it? If it’s a problem with dropbox, I’ll reupload it somewhere else.
Have you tried using the Canvas Render Target 2D to draw to a texture, and save that as a sort of “push down mask”…I don’t know the performance impact on that yet, streaming it across the server and all, but it may work for ya to record where the player’s been. Check this out, something I’ve been working on but I had to do it using math, line trace can’t get UV coords…but according to some posts on here it can if you code it in with C++…which I haven’t done yet. I think it’d be pretty sweet to use it with some sort of grass offset push down effect, even fading it over time.
Wanting to use this to create a grass stomp mask
Version 1.1
Ok, so I’ve updated and reuploaded the project for you all. Fixed the problem it had where it required the Substance Plugin in order to open the project, and I manually deleted all the pointless folders that were just cluttering it all up.
To Kris, Sitrec, and anyone else wondering about performance…here’s some specs from the project and the performance I’m getting with it.
Specs & Performance
Amount of Foliage instances on the terrain
46 Bushes
407 instances of Tall Grass
2.71k of Small Grass Type 1
17.2k Medium Grass Instances
5.54k Pine Trees
150+k Small Grass Type 2 Instances (I don’t know the exact number because the entire terrain is over half covered in it with procedural foliage placement)
I’m getting 27 to 47 FPS on my crappy 2GB 650TI GTX with 16 GB ram within editor. Another Dev is getting 150 fps @ 1080p epic settings though on his 980ti golden sample…I really need to get me a new card lol.
I’ll be adding and updating higher quality grass textures using fiber mesh in ZBrush in the near future. As this blueprint is meant for more mid to high range rigs, I will be breaking some of the parts of it into separate material functions too, when I get the time, for those of you who want an even more performance friendly version. Stay tuned.
Great idea. I’ll look into it. Thanks!
Wauw awesome, thank you soo much for the update. would also still love to see that zombie bp released. is that still a thing or is it off the table? =D
thanks aga
Yep, still on the table, just gotta finish up some of the turn animations, get all the random anim stuff working across all the models, and make a finalized area where I can showcase them. If anyone wants to help with the finalized area just message me and I can send you the DL link of the almost finished setup.
Alright, great to hear. If you still need help that’s alright. i have some spare time the upcoming few days. could throw something together. =)
That’d be really awesome was thinking something scifi…like an outbreak scene, or it’s whatever you wanna do really. I’ll send you the link in the morning (early after noon probably, it’s 5:30 am right now and kinda pulled an all nighter) after I wake up and cut the file size down.
amazing work Aaron the grass looks awesome and the wind blueprint is a work of art! Performance is great as well i’m getting around 150 fps @ 1080p epic settings on my 980ti golden sample @1550mhz
Extremely great work and EXTREMELY generous of you. Thankyou!
Downloaded and trying to get through the options, would it be possible to give a general run down if how it functions overall? Does the wind BP function with other foliage meshes? Sorry I’m a BP noob.
Massive thank you though. If I can figure it out I may use it for some of my game.
Sure, I’ve been meaning to write a kind of tutorial on all of it but been busy with other stuff here lately.
How to Use This With Any Mesh/Material
The blueprint can be used with any mesh and texture…like how the cloth mesh in the video, it’s utilizing the procedural made wind from the blueprint/material function combo.
Within the “Advanced Wind” blueprint you’ll find a setting called “Function Name” in the details panel, from there you can pick between wind instance 1 through 5. Each one is tied to a material function node called Advanced-Grass-Blueprint-Preset-1, or Advanced-Grass-Blueprint-Preset-2 ect. ect.
The function nodes can be found within the contents/grassblueprint/functions/advanced_wind/newestiterations folder within the project (I know, horrible place to hide something important like that lol, an oversight on my part and will be changed with the update).
Simply place one of the function nodes within a material that you want the 66 settings for, hook the function node up (it’s simple to plug it all in, I made it that way for ease of use, and the output named “grounding information to grass push” on the node isn’t necessary). Then goto that preset in the blueprint “function name” and you can change the settings till your hearts content.
As a note though and kind of an error sometimes when it’s starting out on a new material or map, you may have to press the reset to default button next to each setting in the blueprint details panel, cause they sometimes all zero out and it turns the mesh black for some reason when you first hook it up to something new…lookin into it.
Hopefully I explained that all in a way that’s understandable, it’s simply hooking up a single function node and then tinkering with the settings within the detail panel of the blueprint that’s connected to that node. I’ll have a more detailed description for what each setting does here soon in the blueprint, just have a whole lotta projects going on at once over here right now.
I basically use this for all my bushes, trees, cloth and grass types and it seems to work great…plus I think it’s nice to have it all manageable from one place after the function node is hooked up. Any settings you’re curious about, or problems you might run into, just let me know and I’ll give a quick response until I can fully update the detailed description for each setting.
Ah thanks that’s given me a starting place to guddle around with!
Hello guys, first I just want to say thank you. This is one of the best free projects ever. Now I ran into a problem.
Lets take a look on the picture.
On the right, Aarons original. On the left a completely new level with Aarons map inside (landscape + “Terrain-Material-INST”).
Well the grass is generated automatically but look at the colors and the models. I really like the grass of the demo scene and wanted to use it.
I really don’t know how to switch the grass models/colors to the one used in the demo.
So I decided to drag in the “AdvancedWindBP”. It looks like this now
Maybe someone knows how to fix this. I also wondering how to add this depth of field effect youre using?
Sorry for asking this many questions and thank you for your help
Got it fixed. had to change the GrassType in “OtherFoliageAndTerrain”. Picked “SuperGrass2”.
Now i ran into another problem
This is the editor view:
And this after hitting play ? The grass changed into another grass mech. After closing the viewport, the editor shows grass like the choosen mech… strange ?
Oh forgot to tell ya, if you’re adding this to a completely new project there are a couple of setup things you must do. You have to add these three nodes to your LEVEL BP because of the way the tool is saving settings for the presets…like this. That should fix the problem with it looking weird on play.
Now, to fix the issue with the all black meshes when you first load it into a new map, either goto the function name of the preset you’re trying to change and reset all values back to default (the little yellow arrows to the right of each setting) or simply copy and paste the array from the “Saved Values (Minimize)” category…from the demo map I gave you, to the new map you created.
MAKE SURE you’re not on that preset when you paste them in or nothing will happen…cuz it’s just overwriting the new settings with the zeroed out ones. Once you pasted them in, goto the preset in the Function Name tab that you just changed and every thing should be like it was in the demo for that preset.
For example, if I wanted to change Wind Instance 4 and make it look like it did in the demo map…I would simply do this…
The download link is not working :o