Framerate Affecting Projectile Appearance


So, does anyone have experience with how to cope with projectiles changing shape, mid-flight?

They aren’t actually changing shape, but depending on the timing of the frame capture, the projectile’s actual size may show or an afterimage bleeding into the next rendered frame.

An example is this, where we have frame 01:

And then the very next frame (02):

Locking the FPS at 60 definitely helped, but all it did was give me consistently elongated renders. Maybe if I chose a framerate somewhere in-between, but that seems unreasonable.

This is a 30 FPS video capture of 60 FPS gameplay. So, by lowering the FPS of the recording from 60 to 30, I can actually see this issue is frame-dependent.

You can REALLY see that it looks like Morse Code in the video, but while I was playing it at 60 FPS, it didn’t look this way! It was all long renders.

After a little brainstorming, I figured out that MOTION BLUR is to blame.

You can disable it with a POST PROCESS or in the ENGINE SETTINGS.

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