FrameBuffers not being free during FrameCapture(RenderTargets)

I have a function in my plugin that Frame-Capture the FrameBuffers comming from a RenderTarget. this function works well and still working in the 5.0 , but in the 5.0 the memory consumed by the RenderRequest are not being released exausting the system reaching the maximmum memory avaliable.

This is my Function:

void UIVR_CameraComponent::OnBackBufferReady(SWindow& SlateWindow, const FTexture2DRHIRef& BackBuffer)
	if (IsInRenderingThread())
		if (!IVR_RenderTarget)return;
		if (!IVR_RenderTarget->GetResource())return;
		// Init new RenderRequest
		TSharedPtr<FRenderRequest> renderRequest = MakeShareable(new FRenderRequest);

		//Get the Cached Texture Info
		FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList = GRHICommandList.GetImmediateCommandList();
		//We need the pointer to the cached texture to free at the end...
		FRHITexture2D* CachedTexture = IVR_RenderTarget->GetResource()->TextureRHI->GetTexture2D();

		struct FReadSurfaceContext
			FTexture2DRHIRef Texture;
			TArray<FColor>* OutData;
			FIntRect Rect;
			FReadSurfaceDataFlags Flags;

		// Setup GPU command
		FReadSurfaceContext readSurfaceContext = {
			FReadSurfaceDataFlags(RCM_UNorm, CubeFace_MAX)

			[readSurfaceContext](FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList)

		// Notifiy new task in RenderQueue

		// Set RenderCommandFence

The function works like a charm! But i found in the release notes of Unreal 5.0 the following item:


Upgrade Notes:

  • Cleaned up render target pool system by deprecating legacy MSAA split-texture creation and removing the old event viewer. Projects should use RDG when allocating MSAA render targets which require resolves.

So, i belive somehow this are affeting this function, and now my doubt is:

What is the code now that replaces this function? How can i use RDG to do the same task?

Any help will be much appreciated becouse all the users of my little plugin are suffering with the system being exausted and i already check all the points that can be optimized(The only point still to be fixed are on this function now).

Kind Regards.