Frame hitch between Cinematic Sequence Devices playing.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



have a scene with 4 Cinematic Sequence Devices. I am using a simple verse script to randomly choose one of these devices to play. When the sequence ends, a new device is randomly picked to play, and so on.

Issue is that there is a small frame glitch as one device finishes and another starts. The camera glitches back to the player camera for a moment.

Is there a way to remedy this?

I tried extending my sequences both before and after the active frame range in each sequence, but it did not help.

Steps to Reproduce

1.) Create anew project using the blank template.
2.) Place a few objects of interest in your scene.
3.) Create 2-4 Sequences, each pointing the camera at a difference object of interest.
4.) Create 2-4 Cinematic Sequence devices, each one referencing a different sequence. (not looping)
5.) Write a verse script that subscribes to the OnStopped event of the Cinematic Sequence Device. The script must then pick a new Cinematic Sequence Device to trigger.

Expected Result

Transition from each Cinematic Sequence Device is instantaneous and seamless.

Observed Result

There is a short, jolting glitch where the camera is momentarily possessed by the player pawn before the next Cinematic Sequence Device takes over.



Additional Notes

Video of issue can be found here:

Any developments here?

This is still broken as of 28.10.

Need an update as to target fix date please.

Still broken as of 04.15.24

Need an update please.

FORT-732946 incident has been created. Status is ‘Needs Triage’.

A fix for this that I’ve used is to manually stop the sequence right before the end frame. This way you’re essentially starting the next sequence before the last one finishes.

Try something like this, hope it helps:

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

sequence_hitch_fix := class(creative_device):
    Sequences : []custom_animation_sequence = array{}


        # Initialization
        # Set the duration of the sequences
        for(Sequence : Sequences):

        # Loop random sequences
            if(SequenceToPlay := Sequences[GetRandomInt(0, Sequences.Length - 1)]):

custom_animation_sequence := class<concrete>():

    # The cinematic sequence device
    CinematicSequenceDevice : cinematic_sequence_device = cinematic_sequence_device{}

    # The offset to use for sequences
    PlaybackOffset : float = 0.1

    # Store the duration of the sequence in seconds
    var SequenceDuration : float = 0.0

    # Play the sequence
        CinematicSequenceDevice.Play() # Play the sequence
        Sleep(SequenceDuration - PlaybackOffset) # Sleep for the duration of the sequence
        CinematicSequenceDevice.GoToEndAndStop() # Cut the sequence short (somehow this prevents the hitching)

    # Sets the sequence time by skipping to end of the animation and getting the playback time.

        # Play the sequence and skip to the end frame

        # Set the sequence duration as the current playback time
        set SequenceDuration = CinematicSequenceDevice.GetPlaybackTime()
1 Like

Thanks for this. I’ll give it a go until this issue is fixed.
I’ve been doing workarounds on workarounds on workarounds.

This is so helpful. How can I stop/start the loop or is this just a never-ending loop? Any help with being able to control this loop with a on/off switch would be amazing. Thanks

You can toggle playback with the TogglePause function on the cinematic sequence device:

    # Store a reference to the active sequence so it can be paused
    var ActiveSequence : custom_animation_sequence = custom_animation_sequence{}

    # An event that signals the active sequence to pause
    PauseSequenceEvent : event() = event(){}


        # Initialization
        # Set the duration of the sequences
        for(Sequence : Sequences):

        # Loop random sequences
                    if(SequenceToPlay := Sequences[GetRandomInt(0, Sequences.Length - 1)]):
                        set ActiveSequence = SequenceToPlay
                        # Play the sequence

                    # Wait for the toggle pause event

                    # Toggle the playback of the sequence

If you wanted to cancel the playback you could do something similar with a race condition and GoToEndAndStop.