Fracture Issues With VR

Hi, I’m making a project in Unreal 5.1.0 that simulates a rage room. We’re utilizing the Fracture mode for destroying plates once it’s passed a damage threshold.
Since it’s in VR, our objective is for the user to grab an object, throw it, and it’ll fracture.
I’ve duplicated the default grabbable_cube and changed the static mesh to the plate, then created a fracture from it. After it’s fractured, it’s no longer grabbable. Once it’s a geometrycollection, it we can’t edit the original mesh to ensure the grabbablecomponent is still there. Is there any way for the fractured plate to be grabbed, thrown, and then fracture?


How are you handling the collision and physics interactions between the VR hand controller and the grabbable plate? Are there any specific challenges you’ve encountered in implementing this interaction? :face_with_monocle: