FPS MULTIPLAYER TEMPLATE 5 doesn't work online

Unfortunately i’m having some trouble with the FPS Multiplayer Template 5 because i downloaded the template on Unreal Engine then i packaged it and i sent the .zip file to a friend to test if it worked, but when i created a session he couldn’t find it. But when i tryed opening the .exe file twice on my pc when i created a session i could find it. Does it have anything to do with the SteamDevAppId in the DefaultEngine.ini of the game, do i have to change it from 480 to something else? Thanks for all the suggestions!

I tryed opening the .exe file twice on my pc when i created a session i could find it.I also followed the rules by opening steam before playing but nothing.

Are you guys both connected to the same region on steam?

You have to open steam settings go to downloads and ensure youre both connected to the same server region. I know this is basic but thought Id mention it in case you missed.

Yes we did have the same steam region.

Up! did’nt work either.

Edit : SOLVED for me, the workaround was to change the region choosed in steam.