FPS drops when looking at or getting closer to blueprints

Hi, so iam having an issue with an open world game, i have some house blueprints in my world and when i get closer to them and starts looking at them my FPS starts dropping to 20 or less, if i get away from them my fps gets back to 70,
everything inside the blueprint is set to static, and they set to cast no shadows, is there anyway to fix that?
Thank You.

It sounds like it’s just the meshes in the BP that are causing your problem. Have you tried the same experiment with just the meshes placed in the level?

Maybe it’s the LOD of the mesh and it’s just to detailed for your PC to handle.
Maybe reduce the geometry.

this only happens when they are in a blueprint.

i will try that and see what happens

its not from the LOD, i deleted all the blueprints and kept the static meshes and the fps came back to normal, so the issue is that they are inside the blueprint, and thats what iam trying to fix, cuz if i try to build everything piece by piece that would take so long.

i deleted all the blueprints and kept the static meshes and the fps came back to normal, so the issue is that they are inside the blueprint, and thats what iam trying to fix, cuz if i try to build everything piece by piece that would take so long

I actually found a issue with my game thinking it was a house as had lots of candles but later found to be the caractor bp with loads of infanate loops like heart rate being done wrong (DIDEN’T show and compiled well) along with my landscape material being over sampled. I could load the game and would lose 10 fps every 30 sec dropping from 120fps to 5fps in a couple of minuites without moving. even after deleting the suspect house… like dead space creator said one step at a time then check!!! you will know for sure then… Literaly nothing in the a world Landscape one house one lighthouse no foliage couple of actors placed outside each down to 5 fps started questioning Epic? … No USER ERROR!
Check how many Lights are showing in the house? Lods? Combine static meshes if necessary? Movable is it necessary? (sofa, table, rug, etc)