I have a level where the spectator camera is rendering a media texture when the Oculus HMD is not put on. Then, when the HMDPutOnHead event is fired I update the spectatorScreenMode to SingleEyeCroppedToFill to display what is being seen through the HMD. Running this in the unreal editor I see acceptable results where the display is at 120FPS and once the HMD is put on the level is rendering at 90FPS. However, when testing the same in a packaged build the spectator screen renders at 10FPS and once I put on the HMD everything speeds back up and renders at 90FPS. My guess is the HMD is causing the app to come back into focus.
This may have something to do with the “Use Less CPU when in Background” editor preference which is a property for the editor and not a packaged build.