FPS Arms and Full Mesh projectiles

For an FPS with a character that has FP arms mesh and full mesh for other players to see, you shoot bullets out of the FP gun, how do you handle the bullets from the full mesh’s gun that others see. Obvisouly we want the FP guns aim to be what hits others, but not sure how to show (laser bolts for example, that you can see) from the full mesh others see so it looks “accurate”? The plan is to have projectiles fire from muzzle straight out with muzzles rotation.

I’m going to assume you are firing a multicast, so in the flow logic identify the Sim Proxy.
Get local role : (Simulated Proxy)

You’ll need an end point from the servers line trace. Pass that in the multicast. From there you just use the 3rd person weapon muzzle as start point.

You now have a start and an end point for a trace. If the laser bolt uses a projectile base class you can use “find look at rotation” (start, end) to give you a rotation for projectile transform (Location: Start, Rot: find look at rot return, scale: 1)

Should be everything you need.

Thanks, I will give this a whirls and see how it goes.