FPrimitiveProxy: can't face polygons right

Hello everyone!

My goal is to create something like Beam from Particle Editor without using a custom ush factory. I can’t understand how to turn face polygons to view projection.

I tried more ways, applying multiplication of cameraup/cameraright vectors; still no result. I figured out that I need to find a Vector with the right direction which comes from matrix projection and difference between two points. But how? Maybe I’m not right and there exists a simple way to do this.

I uploaded an example here. My math is very bad: sometimes it faces, sometimes no.

I know there is a place with overqualified peoples, so I have only hope to see a miracle. I would be very appreciative to everyone who replies and suggests what to do.

see how other FPrimitiveProxy derived classes work, the way you are implementing it is totally wrong.

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Thank you for your reply!

I see it. Somehow it applies to screen space, not to world coordinates.

That’s why I created this post. I can’t do this math, it is so complicated. I have no clue what to do. People here are very friendly and help newbies. I am very silly about this. Hope you can explain / advice specific sources how do it correctly x_x