Forward Renderer and Ambient Occlusion - 4.14 Preview

I am testing at the moment the Forward Renderer. (4.14 Preview) I noticed that Ambient Occlusion is not working. Will this feature be supported in the final version? Ambient Occlusion is really very important for me.

Best regards, Andreas

Hi Maxwell_77,

If you look at this link: Unreal Engine 4.14 Preview - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums SSAO is listed as currently not supported yet. I do think there are plans in the future to allow SSAO you will just need to keep an eye out when that feature is listed as supported.



Hi Ed,
thank you very much for this information. :slight_smile:

Best regards, Andreas

At the moment Ambient Occlusion is still not supported with the Forward Renderer. Is this feature in development? The lack of SSAO is really a big problem.