Forum feedback page is 404. Is this a programming joke? I feel like it is :)

In the " Getting Started: C++ Gameplay Programming References" documentation link pinned above, at the end of it, it says, " If there is some specific information related to engine source that you feel is missing from our documentation or tutorials, please let us know by creating a post in the Feedback section. Thanks"

But the link to the feedback section is a 404.

Which is funny since that’s what I need to use, to let you know about some missing documentation the code needs :smiley:

Where y’all want this feedback posted?

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I notice you can post with this subject


I guess that’s it?

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It’s worth a try!

It feels like the pinned post wanted us to put all the suggestions in one place, and now that place is gone.


Anyone else seeing the login button is also broken? ( Its been like that for weeks since Epic announced job cuts. :wink: Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private

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When you think the website is perfect … :grinning:

… but actually the site feedback button code is broken. :sleepy:

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