Fortnite Landscape Automaterial. WaterBody

Hello ! Sorry for a dumb question, but…

Can anybody help me to understand how does Fortnite’s landscape automaterial defines the boundaries of the WaterBodyOcean, WaterBodyLake and WateBodyRiver and then applies a sand material all along of this boundaries and creating a coast

This video shows what exacly i mean. When Ryan moves Lake and River waterbodies - coasts follow them. How does they make this ?

Ive already create a simple automaterial, that blends a few materials depends on a angle - cliff and grass. How can i integrate this “autosand material” which I mentioned above to already this existing automaterial ?

Im sorry for my English btw :point_right: :point_left:

The coastline there is done via the water bodies, not the material itself.

In the details for water body actors, there’s a terrain section where you can set which weightmap layers you want it to affect. You’ll also need to check the Toggle Affects Weightmap option for the edit layer inside the landscape to make it work.

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Thank you, @illspiritx for the reply !

All the day trying to understand how it [quote=“illspiritx, post:3, topic:528968”]
terrain section where you can set which weightmap layers you want it to affect
[/quote] works. When i hit + in a section what you mentioned above - nothing happens.

Maybe i made a mistake somewhere in my previous movements?

Maybe somewhere in a Blendtype or Weight/Non weight layerinfo or even in layers sequence and applying certain materials to certain layers ?

Im really sorry for asking you again :grimacing:

Completely confused

Select your WaterBodyRiver in the viewport, and the place to setup the layers it uses will be on the right.

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Thank you @illspiritx a lot! :pray:

The name of layer weightmap must be the same as the name of landscape target layer. I was thinking that the name of layer weightmap must be the same as the landscape edit layer and thats why it doesnt works.

Thank you again ! :star_struck:

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