Fortnite Has Crashed: The Very Sorry State of Bugs (Yep, Round 2)

Round 2: Back to Square 1...

To preface: I’ve worked at the top IT teams in world (Google/Facebook), I’ve piloted and administered the launch of Udemy learning courses for Google, I’ve solved problems for CEOs and VPs, to janitors and interns across 4 continents which is where the experience I’m speaking on comes from. (Not to be mistaken for pride, I did my time)

In every top tier IT position I’ve held, I have observed and experienced the exact same solution structure implemented across text/chat support channels which looks like this:

  1. Make Well Known and Reported - Critical or Widespread Issues Visible Immediately

The most effective measure for reducing strain across support channels has always and will always be prevention.

One more time because I really want to make sure that this lands:

The most effect measure for reducing strain across support channels is prevention.

You have options here, automated culmination of known issues based on keywords, titles, etc. which we already see when we go to post an issue. Typically this is paired with a require categorization confirmation on ticket touch. This is half of the puzzle and a great tool, but what it needs to be complete is some dashboard, pinned messages, or escalated channel view in order to effectively serve your developer/userbase.

Let’s look at the components:
We have: UEFN Devs… and Epic…
UEFN Devs: We want to know what the issues are right when we get here.
Epic: You want us to not post more issues.
Not wanting us to post more makes sense, we also don’t want to post more issues. An indicator that you have no major breakage, and were all happily developing, is no bug report posts.
However… If you had to guess who was being thought of when this solution was implemented who would you guess?

User storyboarding is a very effective exercise made to address these scenarios. If you already tried this then, sheesh.

  1. Empower your user base to self serve, self regulate, and contribute

Don’t forget you’re a UGC. For developers. Yeah us, we write code and solve complex problems.

You have collected some of the most intrigued and ambitious minds on the internet with this platform where you hope to empower us to develop the games of tomorrow, but left us with the 2008 subprime loan equivalent of a support system. Let’s look at the Star Citizen forums, where we can find the solution to our problems:

A: Trending

B: Once inside an bug post

There’s so much in this single image that the forums here can learn from I’m about 3 page elements shy of coloring the whole thing in. Everything from visibility/legibility, to effective use of call to actions and positive reinforcement for community involvement, the general empowerment of the community and sense of having any idea what’s going on on their platform are all of the first round of things I would say stand out to me about what could be learned and implemented.

You’re forums aren’t just behind, they’re barely relevant and I have trouble even acknowledging them as a serious attempt when I look at other platforms. Your archaic separation of internal QA from communication with users, combined with your lack of action and regulation, while simultaneously trying to champion the metaverse as as UGC… Don’t worry, we have enough wigs makeup for everyone. You merely adopted the clown suit;
we were born in it, molded by it.

It’s not mean, it’s true and heartfelt. And I do mean that.

I made this same post about 6 months ago so if you haven’t had the pleasure or just want to see what my post 6 months from now is going to look like head here: Fortnite Has Crashed: Let's Talk Solutions (The Very Sorry State of Bugs & Support)

Lets Talk Current Events:

There are 2 major pressing issues that are impacting what I'd have to presume to be 50% or more (assuredly more) of all active projects on the platform:

1. Dispose SpawnProp:
2. HUD Widgets:

  1. Do you know which issues I’m talking about?
  2. Are you aware of their impact and severity?
  3. Do the internal bugs if they exist reflect the level of severity accurately ?
  4. Do you need any additional information, reports, logs, or project IDs in order to identify, clarify, solve, uncover, or otherwise squash these bugs?

Happy to answer any and all questions pertaining to the two mentioned widespread issues currently plaguing the platform. If you do need more data I can mobilize troops and get you a considerable amount. This is the part where I pass the ball to your court and really really hope you communicate back.

Also, if this seems unnecessary and tedious: Same.
That’s why I’m advocating for a future where this would never be necessary, and this is my 2nd time outlining solutions for it. As always here to help. I’m sassy because I’m exhausted and have no idea when I’ll be finished or if I’ll get paid, and these are my current hours:


It’s your bill of sale. I’m just trying to make you make money- so I can make money- so I can make games. That’s what you told me we were doing.

I wanted to give a special thanks to the support staff that does show up for us to the best of their ability. I know ya’ll got all this jank tooling to deal with alongside us. Also a thank you to QA, our silent partner, and all of the developers internal and external who work hard to move the platform forward. Anyone who I directly or indirectly roasted in this post, we’ll try again in 6 months.

This is and always will be projected up and at the decision makers who have the audacity to aspire to build a space elevator without a foundation, because “who needs a foundation in space?..”

Not to call anyone out specifically but if you wrote your linked in profile in the 3rd person and are likely responsible for the org/bu this products contained in, lets do lunch.



Also, I forgot to add the 3rd very important issue plaguing the platform which is unclear or undisclosed processes around player spawning and initialization which leads to passing invalid Agent and Player references into players initialization processes.

I’ve written a detailed post outlining my understanding of the problem and proposed solutions with usage examples in a reply to this thread:

Getting a handle of your spawn and initialization situations probably your highest priority issue for onboarding and retention.

For committed long term solo or small team devs (like myself) the two in the previous post are likely your 2 largest issues.

For teams and businesses there are examples of at scale issues in the bug report section, since these do not pertain to me nor can I even begin to propose solutions to them I don’t pay them much mind.

Doing my best to provide some boots on the ground observations (obviously speculation here, by its nature) and feedback for you, this is about where my capability to help ends though.


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