Fortnite Ecosystem GDC 2024 with Known Issues

We have loads of new content and updates coming out of GDC 2024!

LEGO® Template Islands are also included in this update and you can begin building your own LEGO Islands! To learn more about what you can and can’t do on a LEGO Island, check out the LEGO Brand and Creator Rules

Start your engines! You can create your own Rocket Racing islands in UEFN. Be sure to check out the Rocket Racing Tools documentation to get started!

Also in UEFN, you can now create MetaHumans to use in your islands as custom NPCs, complete with realistic facial animation.

Get all of the latest information on the blog at Fortnite Ecosystem GDC 2024

Known issue: The Rocket Racing Vehicle Spawner is currently unusable on Android devices due to the absence of touch user interface (UI) support. A fix is planned shortly.

Known Issue:

We’re aware of an issue with the NPC Spawner failing to spawn an NPC when there is no custom NPC Character Definition data assigned to it. We are working on a fix, but in the meantime, you can use this workaround.

  1. Select the affected NPC Spawner Device.
  2. Click on the NPC Character Definition option
  3. In the pop-up window, choose to Creative New Asset → NPC Character Definition
  4. Configure the definition data with Character Type and associated Modifiers (Please refer to this documentation for details)

The NPC Spawner device should now work properly and spawn the NPCs.

Known Issue:

We’re aware of an issue with the NPC Spawner failing to spawn an NPC if they have been published before 29.01 is released. We are investigating the problem and working on a fix, but in the meantime, you can use this workaround.

  1. Select all NPC Character Definition assets in the content browser (you can use the filter to do this easily).
  2. Right click on the assets
  3. Choose Save to force resave all the assets
  4. Re-publish your UEFN project.

After that the NPC Spawner device should now work properly and spawn the NPCs in your published experience.

Hi, i have seen that supports respond to some threads and say something like “our team is investigating”, noone responded on my bug report, so i thought ill post it here. Bug been around for a long time, im just hoping that it will get fixed at some point.