Fortnite crashes frecuently after v30.10

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Fortnite crashes frecuently after v30.10 when trying to launch session

Steps to Reproduce

-Open UEFN
-Open project
-Launch session
-Probable crash

Expected Result

-Open UEFN
-Open project
-Launch session
-Session launched

Observed Result

-Open UEFN
-Open project
-Launch session
-Probable crash



Island Code


Additional Notes

Maybe it is related to

I’m having the same problem

this may be related to your problem

The status of FORT-757764 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Needs More Info’.

Confirming this is fixed for everyone.

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hi @Flak ,
I am in the UK GMT, just add the new patch download 72 minutes 1148 CMT 14th June and
UEFN 30.10 crashed it was a 1.3GB patch. UEFN/Fortnite were not running during the patching

  1. Opened UEFN
  2. Selected Introducing UEFN template ,Click Create
  3. Template opened in UEFN
  4. Attempted to Save Level.

UEFN/ Unreal Engine Crash report pops up so click Send and close.

The UEFN Save page is still open after 10 minutes and CPU usage is high

In screen dump UEFN not running, but Fortnite process has hung

PC had to be restarted as could not stop using Task manager Windows 11 22H2

UEFN now working again but template corrupted, deleted and recreated ok.

@davidpkami - are you still getting this?

Nope. Everything good now!

Bumping this again. The issue stills in UEFN, but It is less probable

Could I get your logs @davidpkami?

Ping @davidpkami

Hi Flak

Due to a lot of personal stress and anxiety with the UEFN status I have taken a few days off and came back today to get back to work on the projects. I will send you the logs if it crashes again :ok_hand:

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Thank you, wishing you the best.

Logs.rar (9.1 MB)

A recent crash

Another crash, Fortnite Game:

Logs.rar (9.9 MB)

Logs from UEFN (Did not crashed) (11.1 MB)