Forest Tree Collection

These trees are gorgeous. As it stands now, it looks like it’d be perfect for a Neverwinter Nights style game where you never see the tops of the trees.

However that’s a niche style of camera these days, so I’m excited to see how you guys handle the branches/leaves. Auto-LODs and accurate wind will be necessary to compete on marketplace - even with your quality (especially with your quality - your trunks are so realistic, the illusion could be shattered with funky branch movement).

Good work!

Here is an example oak tree with branches and leafs.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

looking good, except the leaves are much to big for my impression…

I would actually tend to agree - I feel like the billboards are also too big in general. I can see multiple places where the alpha planes are obvious. This could be caused by the leaves themselves being too large or by there being too many leaf sections on a single plane. I see a lot of hard edges and perfectly flat leaf clusters.

I also agree with what and stucki have said about the leaves. Hopefully they are still a work in progress, especially since the trunks are so phenomenal.

Yes still WIP, here another update:



Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Oh wow that’s better. Keep up the great work, and thanks for the updates.

Do want! I’d love if these came with some matching materials for the ground as well.

New forest example screenshot:

I’ll upload new video later today.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Hi n00854180t,

there are actually two ground materials included.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Any idea on price and when you’ll be releasing them?

I’d also like to third on a redwood. The endor trees in Battlefront have me inspired.

New screenshot and video of the complete forest example scene.

We’re now finalizing and optimizing the pack for release.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Another clip this time with 60fps.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Quick video update, we added some more detail to the branches, separated the leaves some more and added a dead branch asset.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Amazing :slight_smile:

cant wait till its out on the market !!
how is wind handled ?
does it react on the ue4 wind system or is it handled via materials ?

Sorry for the little silence but we have been busy on another project.

But we also spend the last week optimizing the assets and created a new example map, an entire forest with 300+ trees and a few 100k plants and stuff.
After some clean up on the materials and models we got a sold 60fps at 1080p at max settings, I’ll post a video of the forest later.

We also decided to change the content of the pack a little, we will remove a few tree trunks in favor of other new assets, couple of rock boulders, forest debris and ground textures.
This will make it more of a complete forest pack.

Check out the latest screenshots of the new assets:




Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

That looks great. Thanks for the update. Will you post the video later today?

A few new screenshots of the forest, enjoy!






Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH