Hi all. Anybody know a workaround for this problem? Turning off Lumen screen tracing fixes this issue, but introduces an unacceptable amount of light leaking.
I have a dark scene, and a 1st person character holding a torch:
If I move the camera so the torch is between it and and dark background, the background geometry is inappropriately lighted by the torch texture:
This wouldn’t be so bad, but the effect persists after the torch has moved:
Here’s a video of the issue:
The torch is a particle system and its material is lit translucent. It’s outputting to the emissive channel, but I’ve turned off all the light channels, and emissive setting I can find with no luck. Even turning off the “Show in ray tracing” settings on the particle’s component doesn’t solve the problem.
I feel like there must be a way to keep these sprites from contributing in any way, but nothing I’ve tried (except turning off Screen Traces) has made any difference.
I can’t turn off screen traces because I get unacceptable light leakage at the edges of objects.
Anybody experienced this and have a workaround?