ForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, Skipping Lighting Build!

Hi, I’m getting this error when I try to bake the lighting:

LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: WorldSettings.bForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, Skipping Lighting Build!
LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: Failed to build lighting!!! Lighting build failed.

Initially the scene was setup with the dynamic directional light, so i enabled bForceNoPrecomputedLighting.
but now that i want to test a baked lighting it says that ForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, even though I unchecked it, and set the sun to stationary. what am I missinghere? I want to revert the scene to fully baked lighting.

Disable bForceNoPrecomputedLighting

ForceNoPrecomputedLighting is already disabled in the world settings, but it still asks me to disable it. is it a bug?
I also tried to create a blank level, and to test if the baking works, it still gives me the same error

LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: WorldSettings.bForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, Skipping Lighting Build! LogStaticLightingSystem: Warning: Failed to build lighting!!! Lighting build failed.

Try clicking it on and off, just in case it’s stuck.
Have a look at the defaultengine.ini and other config files in the projects folder, maybe one of them is set to read only
Might be a good idea to migrate your assets to a new project.

I’m also having this exact problem. Any solution?

same here, options are greyed out and I cant build my lighting. If there a solution I look forward to it!

I’m having a similar issue, using the third person character template, I cannot uncheck force no precomputed lighting in the world settings. It’s enabled with no option to check. Project settings have static lighting enabled. Disabled lumen as well, still can’t uncheck.

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I have same problem. Cant uncheck that field.

World Partition greys out and checks that option. World Partition must be completely disabled for checkbox to work again.

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This is my settings:

So what you suggest?

I believe world partition needs to be disabled in the project settings or at the very least the level.

В моем случае проблема оказалась в Swarm Agent, почему-то он решил что будет лучшим решением сохранять кэш на другом диске…В настройках Swarm Agent я поменял ему путь для кеширования и он заработал…

make “Force No Precomputed Light” To False ,you will be ok~~~~