I’ve noticed that whenver the particle system actor (as in, the root of the particle system) is not within the camera view, GPU particles dissappear instantly. This is a huge problem for me, as I’m using them to generate bubbles underwater from a waterfall.
As soon as I look down the stream, the bubbles dissappear, even if they are within my view. Is there anyway to stop this behaviour?
“Set fixed bounds” fixed it for me on 4.18.3.
It’s in the upper row of symbols within the particle editor, the 8th symbol from the left (bounds). Simply click on the arrow next to the symbol, it’s the only option then.
“Set fixed bounds” fixed it for me on 4.18.3.
It’s in the upper row of symbols within the particle editor, the 8th symbol from the left (named “Bounds”). Simply click on the arrow next to the symbol, it’s the only option then.