For Epic's Picks - do you need a video of entire deathrun?

For the submission on Epic’s Picks they ask for one round of gameplay vdeo. If the map is a deathrun do you want a video of the entire deathrun or just one section or just a few minutes? Some deathruns can be kind of long.

Thanks for any info on this!

@PixelandPoly Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Thanks @Stevie-Moon I get that you can’t guarantee a response and that’s totally cool. Nothing in life is a guarantee including responses to this very question, although now that I think about it your response was already a response, although not really the response I was hoping for. But that’s all good! it’s always good to hear from @Stevie-Moon even if it’s just an automated response. :slight_smile:


He’s not that much of a robot actually! :eyes:

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