FOnMountPak.IsBound always returns false

I’m trying since some days to mount a pak file in order to open its levels and use its assets. I’ve read a lot of threads on this argument (I think all of them) and still can’t find a valid solution.
I’ve ended with using FPakPlatformFile and FPakFile to mount a pak and then I tried to load an inner level, but I just obtained a lot of errors.

I would like to use the following code to mount a pak file:

FCoreDelegates::OnMountPak.Execute(PakLocation, 0);

but can’t use it because FCoreDelegates::OnMountPak.IsBound() always returns false. I’ve tried with PIE mode, with standalone and also with a packaged version. Always it returns false.
May someone suggest me how to use this way to mount a pak?

EXCLUDE_NONPAK_UE_EXTENSIONS has to be set to 0 in \Engine\Source\Runtime\PakFile\Private\IPlatformFilePak.cpp

This problem affects Unreal Engine since version 4.15

it not works for me : (

Are you working with the Epic’s version of the engine? You have to download the source of the engine and build it manually

thx anyway
its wired , sometimes this function returns true but sometimes return false.

i also changed the value you metioned , and compile the engine source , but it still not works .

Did you solve this issue?

Same here on Unreal 4.27.2, built from source.
The problem remains after setting EXCLUDE_NONPAK_UE_EXTENSIONS 0.

Edit, read in Chinese forum, via Google Translate that it will always return false in the editor. Someone else can confirm.

Regardless, still looking for solution to load .pak file.

masmil1988 have you ever solved this issue?