Followed the new Introduction to Particles in UE4 - 4 - Creating a Sprite Emitter Tutorial and the black and white should be different

I followed the Introduction to Particles in UE4 - 4 - Creating a Sprite Emitter exactly, but my black and white values are wrong when at the material part. What am I doing wrong?

Hmm, RadialGradientExponential is a material function, have you edited your version in some way maybe?

If it’s not editted then which version of the Engine are you using and has the project been through many engine updates?

No I haven’t touched it before and would have no reason to. As I’m just starting to learn about this stuff. The engine version being used is 4.2.1, I just created as a new project from ‘ContentExamples’.

Found out how to fix the problem I had, but its not perfect

. I went into the ‘RadialGradientExponent’, and just plugged the result from the inverted density in Exponent density in and that’s it. If I save it then these changes for the Radial Graident Exponent will be the same for everything.

Hi MattSH -

I am not sure how it happened, but it looks like to get the original settings back in your radial function you will need to take the Exponential Density node from the Normal Density group and plug it into the One Minus (1-X) node which then plugs into the False of the Switch. The Clamp is not used. In the inverted Density group connect the Exponential Density node directly to the True of the Switch. Finally take the Output of the Switch and plug it into the Output of the Material Function.

Let me know if that doesn’t work for you -

Eric Ketchum