Hello, I’m doing some deep research on Draw Calls and I ended up by discovering that actually Foliage ‘calls’ much more Draw Calls than only StaticMeshActor spawned individually, if anyone knows what’s and why it’s happening, I would appreciate it so much!
- I tested it with a StaticMesh with no LOD and 3 Material Slots.
- I see it’s better ‘performative’ on Foliage, but because on StaticActor it’s doing some extra calculating like Culling and so.
4.000 StaticMeshActor spawned (184 Draw Calls)
Only 3 Draw Calls (the mesh has 3 material slots) drawing all in one Draw Call:
4.000 Foliage Instances (328 Draw Calls):
About 100 Draw Calls (ignoring Landscape) separating the foliage in clusters?