Foliage vs StaticMeshActor Draw Call

Hello, I’m doing some deep research on Draw Calls and I ended up by discovering that actually Foliage ‘calls’ much more Draw Calls than only StaticMeshActor spawned individually, if anyone knows what’s and why it’s happening, I would appreciate it so much!

  • I tested it with a StaticMesh with no LOD and 3 Material Slots.
  • I see it’s better ‘performative’ on Foliage, but because on StaticActor it’s doing some extra calculating like Culling and so.


4.000 StaticMeshActor spawned (184 Draw Calls)

Only 3 Draw Calls (the mesh has 3 material slots) drawing all in one Draw Call:


4.000 Foliage Instances (328 Draw Calls):

About 100 Draw Calls (ignoring Landscape) separating the foliage in clusters?

Foliage is doing some clustering, so it is pretty much expected.

won’t it have less performance because it’ll be consequently more draw calls?