When I select my SpeedTree grass painted by foliage tool I see strange yellow border over all screen and FPS drops to 2-4 FPS.
Hi ,
Does this occur in a blank project with no additional content?
Yes, blank project with any SpeedTree foliage.
I’m using the 4.3 + custom meshes (so no speedtree) and in my case it get the same effect → but I think I had the same “problem” during the beta and there I solved it with disabling the wind in the material
Hi ,
What version of the editor are you currently using? I attempted to reproduce this in 4.4 preview, however I was unable to reproduce this effect.
4.3.1. Here is my grass: https://www.dropbox/s/cc91hqf6s35b00o/Grass_01.
Unfortunately I have still been unable to reproduce this, can I see your dxdiag? If possible I would like to test this on a machine with similar specs.
I’ve just attached DxDiag.
Hi everyone,
I attempted to add more effect to the wind to see if that would cause the rendering bug but unfortunately it is still not occurring. Does this happen in 4.4 preview for you ? I tried in 4.3.1 and could not replicate it on my end either. Also , do you have any repro steps that I could take to try to replicate this? I followed your video for the wind effects (very well done, by the way!) but unfortunately could not produce the yellow rendering effect.
Yes, this also happen for me in 4.4 preview
About 5000.
How much foliage are you placing before you get this bug to occur?
Do you have any culling distance set on your foliage? And do you see this when you make a small map with very few pieces of foliage placed or does it only occur when you have an increased amount of foliage in the level?
I don’t have culling. Yes it also occurs on small map. I made small project when it happened and you can download it here:
Thank you, man!
Hi ,
I was able to reproduce this and can confirm fighters statement. The yellow streaks are the wind effect on each instance of your grass material specifically during selection of an individual piece of foliage. If you disable the wind effect you will no longer see it. This is plugged into the world offset of your material (a single node labelled speedtree). I am reporting this as TTP#343909.