Foliage slope based procedural point up, reverse culling

Question 1 : I would like to reverse the culling of my foliage. I am currently using the grass node in my landscape material for procedural foliage where grass is painted. I would like to use a second foliage mesh for distance foliage. And use my higher-end mesh for close foliage. What I’m hoping to achieve is to tell the procedural foliage to spawn my high-res mesh from 0 to 5k and my Lod mesh to spawn from 5K to 80,000. is this possible with the procedural grass type built into the landscape material?

Question 2: I would like to have my grass foliage when it is on hills and the sides of mountains to be pointing up. I know I have run into a way to do this in the material shader but for the life of me I cannot find it again anywhere. Again I know I can do this by hand painting but I know there’s a way to specifically do it procedurally for slopes.

One more side question The LOD switch in the procedural grass foliage is not working. If I tell it to force a certain LOD it does not work in the grass type.

In regards to your second question: In the Learning Center → World Building Kickstart lesson → Advice section → 16 minutes into the video, the method for directionally aligning grass meshes is discussed. I’m not qualified to give a complete answer, but that’s where you can find the simple solution they provide.

Awesome, thanks for the info.