Hey mk010769,
Have you made sure you run the ‘Build All’ option after generating your foliage volume?
Have you tested this in Standalone mode as well, and are those results the same?
Thank you,
Hey mk010769,
Have you made sure you run the ‘Build All’ option after generating your foliage volume?
Have you tested this in Standalone mode as well, and are those results the same?
Thank you,
everytime i press G or being in playmode, my procedural foliage volume dissapear, but also the foliage i painted.
It is in 4.16.2.
Can someone prove it and tell me it is a bug and not me?
Thank you very much for an answer. Maybe someone has it bevor 4.16.2. and knows the error?
Hey Andrew,
thank you for your answer. Yes, i did “build all” and tested it in standalone mode as well. But i found out, that when i click on the foliage that was generated, in the editor, there is “hidden in game” ticked. So that was the fault. I think it was ticked on by default, so epic should change this. Otherwise you search a lot for a solution and can find one.
ps. good to see you yesterday on twitch.
I just tested the Procedural Foliage Volume in a new blank project for 4.16.2 and did not see the ‘Actor Hidden in Game’ checked by default. Perhaps you accidentally checked the setting while setting up your unique foliage instances.
Thanks for watching I will be do a lot more streaming starting this week.