Foliage performance and virtual textures

Unreal 5.1
I’m using a Megascan kit to create a forest (Nanite).
The original texture are 8K… Is it better to use virtual texture at 2K, or to resize the regular textures with the option Maximum Texture size at 2048?
Also, with Nanite, do I need to add LOD presets on the tree meshes, or will Nanite take care of reducing details?

Thank you for your advice on best practices to optimize foliage,


Interesting, I ask myself the same question. Nobody to give good optimization advice?

What advice can one give short of - use a better engine that actually works? - after over 2 years of very poor performance…

No. VT doesn’t do anyrhing for anything except in some very specific custom built situations where you have texture maps upwards of 8k that include all the foliage. Only then will the extra cost introduced by the VT system end up gaining you some performance.

There really is nothing good about any of the new systems, the same do not and Do this instead that were applicable 10 years ago are still applicable.

As far as best practice go, it should go without saying that “don’t use nanite” and “don’t use any experimental or beta features” are a staple… heck actually they should be a 10 inch nail if not even the cement that you pour around a post to stabilize it…