I am having very hard time creating a forest with variation of trees in UE4. I want trees to be evenly spaced between each other like in real world. For that, there is a radius value in the foliage type property panel. However, I was perplexed to find out that this radius value works only between the identical meshes.
So model scenario: If i scatter just only one foliage mesh, radius spacing works correctly. If I scatter two or more meshes, radius stops working correctly because it spaces only between the same meshes. I must be missing something, because otherwise, this would mean that foliage tool is pretty much useless for any kind of serious foliage scattering.
Here are picture examples:
Scattering just one tree mesh with radius of 500:
Radius work and spacing between the trees is maintained.
Scattering with two tree meshes, both have radius of 500:
What am I missing?