Foliage not saved

Hi There,

I’m sure I’m missing something. I painted foliage to the ground. It looks good (animated grass) but when it comes to build the map, the grasses just disappear… I Checked the official documentation without success. Could someone help me out? I saved the foliage setting file (I’m aware of the bug and the file is present in the folder) and my mesh has 2 Uvsets (diffuse / lightmap).

Thx for your help

Which engine version do you use? + have you painted it on a BSP? :slight_smile:

I’m using the 4.6.1. Yes it’s on a BSP for now (planning to do it on a landscape soon :slight_smile:

Seems like you will have to use a newer version of the engine :frowning: -> https://answers.unrealengine/questions/149939/everytime-i-build-geometry-all-the-foliage-disappe-2.html
Or convert your BSP’s to meshes -> better for the performance + the foliage will work :slight_smile:

Thx a lot. I just wanted to know if I was missing something or if it was a bug. Happy it’s a bug :slight_smile: