When using Foliage Mode, a various amount of assets will be invisible and keep collision, despite being visible in the editor
Steps to Reproduce
Use foliage mode, place quite a few assets that have collision, some will be invisible compared to editor
Expected Result
All assets placed using foliage mode should be visible in game
Observed Result
Not all assets are visible when using foliage mode
Island Code
Additional Notes
In island code above there’s a bunch of trees that were placed using foliage mode, a lot of them are now invisible in key locations with collision still there confusing players
Vouch. I found a super NICHE issue with the Foliage placed actors that caused invisible collision in our World Zone Wars map. Basically, if a player used a ‘Floor’ build piece, it would DESTROY the foliage even though it’s indestructible. No other building piece, like stairs/cone would cause this problem. And when it broke the foliage actor, it would create an invisible collision
We had this issue for about 9 months. Recently, we figured out that fortnite props were the culprit. If you have fortnite props on or close to your foliage, it causes them to disappear. I think it’s because of the way they’re used in br. They don’t want grass going through their floors, so they have it coded that foliage near the props dont show.