It just doesn’t do anything for me. Select works, Lasso Select not all.
Turns out I totally miss understood how it works, for reference:
It is not a Lasso Selection which you now from programs like Photoshop or 3Ds Max and instead is a Painting Selection. This means everything you paint on becomes selected but there is another catch to it:
Only the active/selected foliage objects in your foliage tab can become selected.
Also make sure your Brush size is set big enough.
It only works in the Perspective view.
Late to the party
But thank you for these tips. Saved me a lot of time
Thank You.
In UE 5.1.1, I found that to lasso painted foliage, the foliage you want to lasso must be checked in the Foliage Paint tab. If nothing is checked, the paint and lasso ‘bubble’ won’t even appear and if the correct foliage isn’t checked, the lasso tool won’t select the foliage instance at all.