foliage landscape issue

used world position for my materials because of the landscape size and the foliage move with the camera

Hey @repttechnologies! Welcome to the forums!

This doesn’t look out of the ordinary. Could you try to explain what is happening in more detail? :slight_smile:

the foliage is following the camera for a couple of seconds then going back to normal

It LOOKs like there is a slight hitch. Is that the movement of the grass along with the camera?

Is the WPO based on the camera-position? Not sure why you would want that (presumably you are using WPO for wind?), but just asking.

the landscape size was to large which caused the material to glitch using the world position to make it look normal which then caused the foliage issue and yes the hitch is caused by that

hmmm unsure what to suggest

i’ve used laaaaarge landscape sizes before (10km per side in Unreal world-units), non-streaming, WPO, and not had issues with grass.

Try putting a basic material on the grass and seeing what happens. Try WorldGrid to see if it’s the landscape, the grass, or the grass-material.

i dont know if im miss understanding however the landscape i made is 4000000 square miles which caused the landscape materials to glitch and vibrate to which then i used world position which then fixed the landscape material however it caused this problem however i will try your solution