Foliage fill?

Hello, is there a way to foliage fill a terrain

You should be able to use the procedural foliage tool if you want to cover a large area

There’s a great breakdown of it timestamped here:

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this is definitely interesting. but in term of productivity it’s not better than using a 8000 brush. what i was loking for it’s a simple fill, like a paint fill. But fron what i gathered on the internet that doesn’t exist because of ressources issues. Anyways, thanks.

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If you want grass and plants to cover your landscape, then Landscape Grass Types are your best bet.

Essentially you can tell the engine which foliage meshes you want to place on each layer of your landscape (I’m assuming you have layer set up on your landscape already, but if not, I think these videos show how to do that too).

These videos should be a good starting point (although, disclaimer, I haven’t watched either of them all the way through, but they look fine at a glance)

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Thanks a lot guys. but i just realized that the foliage brush is not limited like the paint one is. the foliage brush can go up to 65k. which is enough for my 1 km² tiles. for some weird reason i thought it was limited to 2k. maybe this is because i upgraded from .26 to .27 idk. i also read that the filling tool didn’t exist with foliage because of performance issues. So my brain was stuck onto this. thanks for the help

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