Foliage Fill vs Paint in 5.2 : WTF??

Hi, I’ve just upgraded from 5.1 to 5.2 and the foliage fill tool now seems to not work properly…

The screenshots show the same scene in 5.1 and 5.2. 5.1 fills the surface correctly whereas 5.2 is super dense?? I haven’t changed any settings between versions. Any ideas?



Whatever I change the density to it just ignores the value and generates what you can see in 5.2 screenshot. Perhaps there’s a new option or something? It’s also populating more of a specific flower around the perimeter edge. Not sure what’s going on. Hope I can get this to work as fill tool is really useful! Thanks

Hmmm. This has something to do with the way 5.2 treats datasmith imported geometry - because it works properly with UE native objects - cube, sphere etc - just no longer behaving for imported surfaces from rhino. Anyone ever experienced this?

Ok - so I’ve realised what was happening. And thought I’d post in case there’s any rhino users out there.

I’d previosuly increased the quality of my mesh settings to ‘custom’ from ‘jagged’ - found in mesh options. This refined the edges of all meshes. Unlike the UE paint tool - which just knows there’s a surface there - the unreal fill tool understands the density of a surface and populates based on that. At least that’s what’s seemingly changed from 5.1 to 5.2.

As I actually need improved mesh edges my workaround is to improve the quality only once all foliage has been placed. Hope that helps someone one day.

If anyone has any further knowledge on this that would be great to learn more. As ideally I’d just keep the higher mesh settings. Is there an option in 5.2 that didn’t exist in 5.1? Cheers

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