Foliage deforming when painting in landscape

Hello everyone, I tried to find a solution for this but no results. The landscape that I created in unreal was an import from a png file and when I tried to paint trees from the Black Alder package the result was that the foliage began to float or some other effect, I don’t know how to explain it, I leave a video with the problem. If anyone knows a solution please let me know, thank you very much by the way.

Hey there @kron0586! Welcome back to the community! This looks like it could be related to the wind in the material or possibly the random scaling that your foliage paint applies. Does this still occur with the static mesh version of the foliage?

Thanks for the welcome, indeed with the static foliage the problem was solved, modifying the wind parameter in the material instance reduces the effect but it is still notable, it’s strange, the foliage moves in the z axis when it is animated, that Is it okay or can it be changed???

That’s… interesting. Is your foliage painting scaling uniform and locked like this? If not, try that and see if it still performs the same. The stretching seems more than the wind but exacerbated by it.


Hello, thanks for the help, in Unreal those parameters are the same, but I discovered that the problem is in my landscape, in some areas the foliage works perfectly but in others it starts to have this strange effect.

It is the first time I see this, maybe I made a mistake in the import, I leave the video that shows this.

Ahh looks like this issue is a known bug with nanite foliage:

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That’s it, thanks for the help!!! I mark your answer as solution, hope this post can help others in Unreal Engine with this problem.

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