Foliage Collision

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


Some if not most Foliage Collision is bugged. It will stagger the player.

Steps to Reproduce

Grab Foliage from any gallery that had it, ones that are SUPPOSE to let you walk through it.

Expected Result

You just walk through it no problem.

Observed Result

You stagger and glitch through it


Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Xbox One S.

Additional Notes

This is another glitch that has been around for almost A YEAR now. Please fix this.

I can confirm that this happens on all platforms, not just PC.

The same issue persists with props in the Elemental Cubes Gallery. Both the foliage props, and water blocks are supposed to let the Player walk through them, but the game causes the player to jitter.

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Not to mention that the Lava too doesn’t bounce you anymore. Even if set to on. I’m praying they fix this. It’s been about a year.

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FORT-742834 incident has been created. Status is ‘Needs Triage’.

Sorry to bother you but there’s another glitch I reported where players on the Xbox One and Xbox One S cannot load into creative. It’s one of my posts and could use traction considering it’s a really serious bug. It’s been around for 3 updates now and none of my friends can load into creative without it glitching them in the hub.