I have a simple mesh with a “Surface->Masked_>Two sided foliage” material with “two sided” enabled and only with a Mask aplaied on the material to the “Opacity Mask” slot.
When object used with the foliage tool and the ray trace translucency is ON I get this result:
right side, element scattered with foliage, shows red color… on the left side, element placed in level ( not scattered) rendered as expected:
same situation but this time ray trace translucency OFF, both foliage and single element placed in level render fine:
is this a bug, or should I set somehow diferent the material for the foliage in order to work properly with the ray trace translucency ON?
NOTE:I just need the ray trace translucency ON because if it is OFF I get no ray trace reflections on my translucent materials (Windows with simple glass material) Is there a way to the ray trace reflections work on my windows with the ray trace translucency turned OFF?