Fog is not showing up in UE5.1 map. Have it enabled in the Show tab. Deleted the default atmospheric fog from the map and it’s still not showing up. It’s set to 0,0,0 just like my level. Using first person template.
Hi there @Dravus! Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums!
This topic has been moved from International to Rendering.
When posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space.
Hopefully, this category change will help in getting an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing!
Hey @Dravus! Welcome to the forums!
Do you think you could get us some screenshots or snips of the settings in your details window for the fog? There’s a lot that could be wrong, and it’s hard to know what the issue is without more details. Get back to us with that stuff and let’s figure this out
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