Fog glitch while rendering with ultra dynamic sky


I am trying to create a little animation but the fog is a bit glitched in the final render. I’m using the ultra dynamic sky asset for sky and lighting and the fog looks completely normal in the editor. I’m using the default camera settings in the sequencer (16:9 digital film and universal zoom).

In editor

rendered video screenshot

Does anyone know how can I fix this ?

Keep all your meshes above 0 in Z.

This is caused by the SkyAtmosphere system, the atmosphere ends at 0 in Z by default. There are other ways you can move it, see the “moving the atmosphere” section of the documentation: Sky Atmosphere Component in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

I don’t know how the UDS actor is set up, maybe it exposes controls for this. If not this seems like something you should contact the author about… Otherwise… just keep everything above 0 in Z

I tried to move the sky atmosphere below the other meshes but that didn’t fixed the problem.
I also tried to move and scale the exponential fog but it also didn’t worked.
Is there a way to move every meshes at the same time ?

You need to actually select component transform from the list, otherwise moving it does nothing

I selected the ultra dynamic sky component, then I selected Sky atmosphere and I changed the location to Z:-25000

See the documentation, there is a setting in the component called “Transform Mode”. You need to change that to component transform

The transform mode is already set to “Planet Top at Component Transform” so it’s movable, and when I change the Z value the clouds are moving down.
I also tried “Planet Center at Component Transform” but it looked very weird.

Btw thank you for your help :pray:

This is exactly what I did, and it looks right in the editor, but it seems to reset in rendering.

Oh no… I’m sorry… I misunderstood, I didn’t realize the problem was with the render, I thought it was with the display in the viewport…

I do not know what could be causing the issue with the render :frowning:

Did you try to add the UDS to be tracked by sequencer?

Yeah I just tried it but it didn’t changed anything. Here is what I did :
Capture d'écran 2023-08-23 214623

Don’t worry :sweat_smile:
Thank you for your help anyway !

Hey, just wanted to chime in with my findings for anyone else who finds this thread on google.

The straight line occuring only during render queue is due to a pair of CVars that gets applied by the ‘Cinematic Quality’ scalability settings, which seem to clash with UDS. You can test this by flicking the viewport’s ‘Effects’ setting between Cinematic and Epic.

r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT = 0
r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque = 0

Go into your console overrides in your pipeline configuration and set them both back to 1, and it’ll render the same as it does in viewport.