Fog Delay

Hey All,

Is there a way to eliminate the motionblur/delay look of the volumetric fog?

I have spotlights with volumetric fog which look fine when still, but when moving it looks very strange:

I tried playing around with the fog settings without any luck.

Any tips?

Thanks a lot

Any updates here? anybody?

Hey all

Does anybody know how to deal with this? I am on 4.26.

AFAIK the ā€œlagā€ is part of the volumetric fog latency and cannot be changed.

Not sure if that will help you, but in our case, we tried to handle this weird effect by lowering down parameter called ā€œVolumetric Scattering Intensityā€ in the light settings. If you set it to 0, no blury stuff will happen, but also the light wonā€™t create volumetric shaft.

My main goal is to create the volumetric rays, thatā€™s so strange itā€™s impossible to fix, it renders the effect uselessā€¦

Thank you for the reply though, will have to come up with another concept.

Actually, Iā€™ve asked my colleague programmer and he said you could mess around with these two commands:
r.VolumetricFog.TemporalReprojection 0 (or 1)
r.VolumetricFog.HistoryWeight 0.5 (or different, default is 0.9)

however, use them on your own risk, I donā€™t know the impact on performance for example.

Thank you for the ideas, I tried all in different combinations but it seems, at least on 4.26 - no luck. I always get this pixel look even with a basic spotlight.

Disappointing but maybe in 5.1 itā€™s different? will try to convert my project one day and try.

Thanks again

I see, tbh volumetric fog causes some problems, and the biggest one for us was the performance, in our games we usually ended up with fake shafts made with cone-like shapes mixed with custom cheap fog.

Anyway, when I was looking for commands for volumetric Iā€™ve found this blog
Create nice and feasible volumetric cloud in Unreal Engine 4 | UE4之制作高ē«Æéœø갔ēš„干冰体ē§Æ雾 - Asher.GG

If you want to fix pixelation, these are the commands you are looking for

r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize - default 8, lower the better
r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ - default 128, higher the better

but keep in mind these are quite expensive (for more details see the link)

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I might end up using also just cone shapes with some transparency to mimic a beam of lightā€¦no other way, but feels funny to do so since other programs like Notch/Unity do those effects without any issues.

Luckily I donā€™t need the beam to light anything in the scene, itā€™s just for the beam effect - so cylinders might work if mapped correctly with alpha etc,

any tips about that?

Hi there, I would also suggest to create a cone with an additive material using a gradient/fog texture. Unfortunately the volumetric fog is voxel based and this tends to create artefacts with movement. Additive mode makes it much more optimised than translucency, and much much more optimised than using volumetric fog, while unfortunately itā€™s not as straightforward as just using volumetrics but at least you wonā€™t have any visual glitches!

Hey Stefan,

Thank you for clearing this up.
Honestly since Iā€™m not trying to light things up, mostly just showing beams - doing it in the fake way might be enough and better for performance.
However Iā€™m not so informed about how to get a cone to look like an organic/soft light beam vs. an emissive cone.

Any tips on that?

Thanks in advance

To begin with, use basic unreal Cone shape and apply material Iā€™ve attached a screenshot of.
Itā€™s a simple starting point to understand what you are doing, then you can mess around with the material, assigning different colours and altering the opacity distribution if you wish.

Your next step would be to create your own mesh without the faces on the bottom of the cone (youā€™ll see what I mean when you get there).
Also, we usually cut the tip of the cone to better match lamp meshes, but you can create slightly more complicated material to control the opacity of the tip so it wouldnā€™t be so sharp at the top.

hope that helps, cheers

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