FN Core Smoke Sprite not working

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I´m creating a new Niagara particle, using the existing Parent Emmiters FN Core Smoke Sprite. When I create it I get an warning at the render tab, on Sprite Renderer, with two errors. You can see the particle working in the viewport, but you can´t launch a session because of those errors.

Render - Sprite Renderer - Error Image does not have a 0th Mip Level.
Render - Sprite Renderer - Error Image source format (TSF_invalid) is not a supported format for cutouts(TSF_G8, TSFBGRA8, TSF_RGBA16, TSF_RGBA16F). It will be ignored.

Error logs:
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/MasterMaterials/Smoke/Janus/MI_SmokeV2_Lit_Emissive_Particle_Color.MI_SmokeV2_Lit_Emissive_Particle_Color, Referenced by:Content/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop.uasset, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/MasterMaterials/Smoke/Janus/MI_SmokeV2_Unlit_Emissive_Particle_Color.MI_SmokeV2_Unlit_Emissive_Particle_Color, Referenced by:Content/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop.uasset, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/Emitters/Smoke/FN_Core_Smoke_Sprite.FN_Core_Smoke_Sprite, Referenced by:Content/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop.uasset, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Fort_Effects/Textures/Power_Source/T_Power_Source_Sphere_Mask.T_Power_Source_Sphere_Mask, Referenced by:Content/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop.uasset, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/MasterMaterials/Smoke/Janus/MI_SmokeV2_Lit_Emissive_Particle_Color.MI_SmokeV2_Lit_Emissive_Particle_Color, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
UEFNValidation: Error: /FortniteTycoon_Alpha/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/MasterMaterials/Smoke/Janus/MI_SmokeV2_Unlit_Emissive_Particle_Color.MI_SmokeV2_Unlit_Emissive_Particle_Color, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
UEFNValidation: Error: /FortniteTycoon_Alpha/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Niagara/Emitters/Smoke/FN_Core_Smoke_Sprite.FN_Core_Smoke_Sprite, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
UEFNValidation: Error: /FortniteTycoon_Alpha/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Effects/Fort_Effects/Textures/Power_Source/T_Power_Source_Sphere_Mask.T_Power_Source_Sphere_Mask, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/FortniteTycoon_Alpha.
UEFNValidation: Error: /FortniteTycoon_Alpha/Particles/FX_Smoke_Loop

Steps to Reproduce

Start creating a Niagara System, then choose New System from selected emitter(s). Choose the Parent Emitter FN Core Smoke Sprite. Now put the emmiter in your scene and launch the game.

Expected Result

You should launch the game and see your new particle there.

Observed Result

You wont be able to launch a session, and will get an error.


Windows 10 Pro

The status of UCB-1281 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’

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