I’m working on creating a context menu in Slate, originally it started as a simple context menu using just simple text like so:
FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("Entry no. %d"), i)),
I then decided to create a custom button class and used that for the buttons in the context menu, this changed the code to something like this:
.EtherButtonTextMargin(FMargin(0, 20))
.EtherButtonOnClicked(this, &SEtherContextMenu::OnChoiceSelected, i)
, FText::GetEmpty()
, true);
I tried this with SButton as-well to confirm it wasn’t my custom class, using a Widget seems to prevent the context menu from closing even if you pass true to the FMenuBuilder constructor. I confirmed this by trying “AddMenuEntry” and pass it a widget but this also fails.
To fix this I simply have the following code in my context menu class (SEtherContextMenu):
FReply SEtherContextMenu::OnChoiceSelected(int32 choiceIndex)
//Close the window since automatic menu closing only works for text and not SWidget.
if (myCloseAfterSelection == true)
return FReply::Handled();