Hi there I got a big problem!
I’m currently working on my master degree. My main subject is the narrative environment in a vr setting.
I won’t give you all the technical details because I would need around 40 pages, but let say I make a game about Superman. Instead of teleporting (because I want to let the player explore the environment), I would like to allow him to fly. When he presses the center boutton of the Vive Controller, I want him to fly in the direction of the controller. Then, if he release this boutton, I woul like him to fall down to the ground.
Up to now, I have two problems :
- I’m able to make the player go up, but I can’t make him fly in a specific direction.
- I can’t figure out how to make him fall back to the ground.
Please, help me, I’m really struggling on this one! :-S