Fluid sim and VDB render distance limitation

I have been encountering a render distance limitation with fluid sims and imported VDBs and haven’t been able to locate a setting in the actor, materials, or a CVAR that can extend it.

I’ve encountered this since experimenting with the fluid sim and VDBs (via the Eidos Montreal plugin before native support rolled out in 5.3 preview). Does anyone have any idea how to extend this render distance, or any leads as to where to look for a potential solution?

I hope/doubt it will be necessary, but my team is willing to fix it in source and recompile if that end up being necessary. Just looking to fully investigate the issue before doing that unnecessarily.

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Increase the value of the following CVar:



Thank you so much, that worked perfectly! Just out of curiosity, where online or in documentation would this be? I had a heck of a time finding anything out regarding this issue.

Hi Villitz,

There isn’t much documentation at this time - being it is a very new and experimental feature in 5.3.

However there are already some good community threads on the topic and related topics:

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