Hi there!
I’ve got a pawn moving around with the “FloatingPawnMovement”-component.
I’m assigning a vector3 value for it to move to, which is fine.
I am however having issues with it not sticking to the ground when moving.
The new Vector3 value does not add anything to the Z-axis, which is what makes it weird.
Furthermore, ticking off gravity on the Skeletal Mesh actor (that I’m moving) does not seem to do anything, nor do the constraints seem to have any effect?
Is the FloatingPawnMovement the completely wrong way to go about when wanting to move a SkeletalMesh along the ground?
My current implementation is supposed to have the SK move along a simple, straight floor piece.
Ultimatelty I want to have it follow the ground on a terrain layer using the NavMesh, but I don’t see that happening if the SK is going to fly off like it is doing at the moment.