Flipbook question and Random texture selection in material.


I am doing a Matrix effect. Im basically trying to get as close to the original as possible. The good thing is, design wise I am almost there. But I want to make it more random to eliminate the tiling effect. Ive created a lot of masks to create those single dropping down columns (we see in the original movie), that pan through one large 4k texture.

I have 2 questions.

I used a Flipbook on my 4k texture so that it looped around all the frames to get that randomness.
The first question has to do with the flipbook Frac/ time line.
The animation of the flipbook is always (0-1) second long. The thing is, the texture is cycling through 2025 frames in 1 second. Is there a way to still use this Flipbook function while altering the time? As you can see on the image below, the multiply with the parameter that is added on the Frac function, only changes the amount of frames it renders per second, instead of the time it self.
The parameter is set to 0.005. This parameter gives out the perfect frame change but does not loop through all frames.

The second question is… Inside the material it self, I want to add 90 different very low pixel textures/ masks that will be randomly selected, to be panned in 1 of 45 masked columns of the high pixel texture.

So 1/90 small textures has to pass through 1/45 pre masked colunms located on 1 4k texture.
How do I go about doing that? Do I create a material function, a new blueprint function? I am lost.

Hopefully the questions were understood.
Thank you for reading my questions.
Thanks in advance for trying to help.

My first answer was answered at the link below. Make sure you up vote the answer, if that helped you.

Hopefully someone can help me with my 2nd Question.

Ok, i couldn’t find a answer on my specific 2nd question. I think I’ve figured a way to do it though. I will post in future for everyone to see. My pc is currently being serviced.