Flickering shadows when using shadow-casting spotlights

I’m getting some nasty shadow flickering when using stationary spotlights that cast shadows. The video below shows the end result. The top picture shows the area in question and the second image shows the spotlight details. There is 1 stationary spotlight with shadow casting enabled, three stationary point lights in the middle of the table without shadows and all other lights are static. The real trouble is that this flickering does not appear when running this level straight out of the editor. However when the project gets cooked, the flickering shows up. To further complicate this, we can correct the issue even after cooking by duping the spotlight, deleting the original, NOT rebuilding the lighting and save it with the “Lighting Needs Rebuilt” warning. Obviously this is not a best practice, but once we rebuild lighting, the cooking process re-introduces this flickering issue. This is 4.11 and it appears on PC and PS4. Thanks for any advice folks can provide and if you need more information, please let me know what.

Video of flickering shadows