Hi mates, I’m trying to make a mini game with a light beam made with a small cylinder spawned every tick until it hits a mirror and reflect.
Strangely it works fine in simulation but in game or in editor test it flickers evrytick as shown in the video. any idea to work around that ?
i did not use a niagara system to spawn the beam for optimisation purpose. The material is emissive but i have same problem with non emissive, i tried different light tweaks and auto-exposure off, same thing…
Thanks for help
How does that make any sense?
Niagara would be the near only way to oprimize this in the first place…
So i followed your advice and you’re right, same memory footprint and work as expected, don’t know why i where considering niagara expansive for that.
Thanks for responding but i’m still curious why the other way is not working as intended.
I consider the problem solved by the way.
Happy new year
Happy new year.
My guess is that spawning every second manually is the root cause of the problem.
In unreal objects and static meshes tend to take a bit to be fully displayed with the proper non-mipped texture unless you go out of your way (removing mip, setting scalability on object, removing/forcing lods etc).
The editor has the resources ready to go. The exe does not.
As for why it never loads, well that’s a different story and I’m clueless about it…
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